zondag 20 februari 2011

Theme 3 on Dutch Zentangles group: "Geluk" (Happiness or Luck)

The 3rd theme on Flickr's Dutch Zentangle Group is ""Geluk", in English "Happiness" or "Luck". It's how you interpretate the Dutch word Geluk.

To me it stands a.o. for Love, Commitment (as in marriage), having good Luck in your life (every now and then)...

Hopefully I captured this all together in my Zentangle:

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I think you did capture it. It's beautiful to look at because it has a feeling of centeredness. The tangles branch out as though seeking enjoyment in the world, but they all come back to the center. To the heart.

  2. Hello Claudia, your art certainly shows love and good luck, you have a beautifully romantic style!
